
Friday, 15 May 2015

Maori Art

I was inspired by Raewyn Harris. Raewyn Harris is a teacher and an artist from Hawkes Bay.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Thank you letter to Mr Steve and Sponsors

Glen Innes School
38- 40 Eastview Road
Glen Innes

Room 11

Dear  Mr Steve and Sponsors

We appreciate the new t-shirts that you gave us. The BLK uniform was really amazing. Every single student from Rm 11 and 12 enjoys wearing the new t-shirt that is free. This is our first time that we have been given new t-shirts. The year 7 and 8 students were really proud to be standing outside and wearing them because the colour of the t-shirts were black and it’s striking.

I will take care of it and I will also wear it proudly so that the people of GI will recognize our school.

I promise that I will take care of my new uniform and I won’t get it muddy or lost.
I am grateful to have this new t-shirt. Families and friends will be so happy that my school has a new uniform to wear. Our parents and guardians will be extremely proud of us.  

This is the last time I will say thank you very much. You guys are really awesome.

Yours faithfully
